Saturday, March 15, 2014

Puppies are unwell

The Human Girl went into shock and blacked out a few days ago! In retrospect, the entire incident was funny enough, but at that time, it was pretty devastating.

Our queen Menina had some complications where she was constantly crying. After several runs to the vet and a couple of false diagnosis, it was concluded Menina had some type of spinal and cranial hernia (whatever those terms are). In simple words, something was growing in between her spinal bones, or something.

This conclusion came to after a blood test, a few injections, and a change of vet, who conceded to give her an x-ray and identified the problem. So she now has her meds, has a collar thing that she has to put on at all times (though in reality she has it off for longer) and seems to be doing well.

Next is Woofy, our Pequenai. He somehow displaced his kneecap, which led to surgery to put it back in place and to deepen the ridge in his bone to keep the kneecap in place.

As the vet explained this, the Human Girl blacked out. Ha. The entire clinic staff stood around her and got her coke and water. It was just funny for us but embarrassing for her, which is fine, really.

Before surgery took place, a blood test tested Woofy to have canine pancreatitis and so, bad luck for him, he has to stay hospitalized for the next 3 days.

In both cases, the vets are pretty happy with the progress, so all is good. We will soon give you updates and of course, photos.

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