Monday, June 6, 2016

I got stuck!

I simply wanted to get nearer to The Human Girl... and as I squeezed in between the front seats of the car, I got stuck!

Well, just because my harness got hooked to the seatbelt thing. The Human Girl managed to save me!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Error: Assembling Failure

Warning! Assembling Failure! Assembling Failure!

Or, when you try to put your Ikea dog(s) together and you fail at it...

Friday, June 3, 2016

Sleep is a must

This is life, all we need to do is sleep, sleep, and sleep. 

It's such a wonderful feeling.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Blast from the Past

The Human Girl did some major cleaning of her room over the weekend and came across a stack of old photos.

There, of course, were a lot of dog photos.

Here's one of our predecessors: Fufu.

According to the Human Girl, this was her best dog ever. *rolls eyes* I don't get it. All these humans keep saying their childhood dog is the best. How many best dogs can there be?

The history for this Fufu is as follows:

The Human Girl's Dad had a restaurant, where somehow a stray dog had come and made it her home; eventually just hopping into the car and going home with him. That was Foxy. Foxy had one litter of puppies - 3 males and 2 females. All got given away. Then she had a second litter of puppies - 6 males and 1 female. Everyone wanted the males, and nobody wanted the female puppy. After much begging and grovelling, the Parents decided to let the Human Girl have her own dog.

So Fufu was a crazy dog too - during walks she would walk far ahead, but she kept her pace, always running back to make sure you were following. She was pretty good off-leash. She knew basic street-walking commands like straight ahead, turn left, turn right. Oh, she also knew the standard commands - sit, paw/shake, lie down, jump.

Sadly, her demise was an accident.

The Human Girl had a lie down as she had a busy day and was tired. Someone from the family went to bring the trash out and took Fufu with them. Suddenly, the Human Girl jolted awake and felt a great unease. And that was the exact time it happened. Fufu was off leash and in a freak accident (the car didn't even hit her, she probably only got the fright of her life), and that was that.

The Human Girl was so sad at that time. That was the last dog the family had for a while. It was also during this they decided to renovate the home a bit. Soon after, Peppie came along, but that is another story to tell..

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Sleepy sleepy

*yawn* let me sleep, why are you alway disturbing me?

Friday, May 20, 2016

Weird face dog

Rawr! How do I look?


The Human Girl has betrayed us once again. Why would she put something not-us at her workplace?

Why Snoopy? Why Charlie Brown? She could have put something of us at her workplace!

Oh yeah, she has an electronic photo frame that constantly loops our photos. No more jealousy. Isn't that snuggly Snoopy and Charlie Brown warm? We try to sit on The Human Girl that way too.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Cat Cave Cafe and The Husky

There's a new cafe opened in the area, and the cafe follows the concept of the Japanese Cat Cafes - there are cats! The cats are all adopted, and they have quite a lot of space to run around and mingle.

Cat Cave Cafe in São Lourenço area in Macau. Posts are in Chinese.

Despite being called the Cat Cave Cafe, for some reason, they now have a Husky, or a Husky mix with them. Apparently he was recently adopted as well.


Mr. Husky (Chinese name 史力奇, meaning "Snufkin" from Moomin) seems to enjoy chewing The Human Girl's arm instead of playing tug.

Food served is not really anything to tell home about, but it's nice to see an establishment that is keen on helping strays as well.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Human Girl Apologizes

For the complete disregard for this blog for 2 whole years. The Human Girl shall pay. Somehow.


天氣夠熱,出露台沖涼,下次可以着住件泳衣同你地沖涼,我濕晒啦! 女人係貪靚

Metrosexual dog

The Human Girl and The Other Human Girl locked us outside and gave us all a wash. Then we got full service manicure and ear cleaning, and Bido and Max got a new haircut too!